Frequently Asked Questions

Hotel La Fuente de la Higuera


On this page you will find the frequently asked questions (FAQ) of our clients. If you have other questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

What's the check-in and check-out time?

Check-in from 3:00 PM and check-out until 12:00 AM.

Pets are allowed?

La Fuente de la Higuera is a pet-friendly hotel. Your pets are welcome at no extra cost. For your pet’s comfort, we advise you to bring its bed and accessories. The rooms for the stay with your pet are on the ground floor.

Is there free WiFi?

Yes, there is free wifi.

Why the price varies?

The way in which we fix our prices is dynamically, adjusting to different factors, such as the demand or the advance of the dates. This is a great advantage, since you can save if you plan your trip to Ronda in time or travel on dates of low demand.

Online book 

On our website you will always find the best price and the best offersfor our rooms.

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